20 Lessons at 20!!!!!!!!

First of all, I want to thank the almighty God for the gift of life, for 20 years on this beautiful earth. I want to give a shout out to my ever amazing family both nuclear and extended. Also to the friends I have in my life, friends turned family and friends turned "frienemies". Finally, to my wonderful and faithful readers, y'all keep me moving ♡ I turned 20 a few days back (15 December) and in the 20 years I've lived, I loved, I experienced, I felt, I hoped, I dreamt, I failed, I excelled but above all I learnt. I personally believe the age comes with its lessons. I look back at my life with a relief of how far I've come, how much my life has changed over the past 20 years and i decided to compile the important ones, the important 20.

1.Life Wait's For No One: Life doesn't wait on hold simply because you're unable to keep up. You have to buckle up and keep moving at all times.

2.Connection is key to happy relationships: It's not always about baseless conversations and outward attraction. Having some sort of connection with someone, builds and strengthens positive relationships. 

3. Don't judge your chapter 1 based on someone else's chapter 30: Even as a blogger, reading other blogger's articles and especially YouTube videos, I sometimes feel underachieved and feel like I'm doing nothing. But then I usually comfort myself with the fact that I'm a beginner who's barely consistent and with time I'd get there because we are all working on different timelines.

4. You can't please everyone: Apparently, no matter what you try to do, you're not "jollof" rice, you can't make everyone happy. Even "jollof" rice is still unable to please certain people. The best thing is to just do you, do what's right and do what makes you happy.

5. Little things matter: You’d be very surprised at how little things, gestures, efforts and even appreciation can go a long way to make big impacts. No matter how little you start saving, in the long run you open up a bountiful harvest.

6.Promises don't pan out most times: Lots of people have made promises to me and lots of people have failed to keep to their promise. I realize, promises don’t pan out most times. Even I, have failed to keep to some or most of my promises.

7. Relationships aren't forced: No they’re not. A forced relationship is not solid and isn’t real. You can’t force friendships, you should know where you stand in someone’s life and stay in your lane.

8. Trust takes a lot of time to build and re-build: Quite a number of people have trust issues, someone like me for example, it takes a lot of time to gain trust from such people and once you screw them over, it takes longer time to re-build and regain their trust. Sometimes you may never be successful in regaining. Once bitten, twice shy.

9. Don't go broke trying to look rich: I’d rather have a $5 dollar bag with $195 in the bank than a $200 bag with $0 in the bank. You’re broke when you spend twice as much as you earn and it really isn’t worth it going broke trying to look rich, suffering on the inside while chilling on the outside.

10. Change is the only thing constant: In the statistics of “Life” take constant (k) to be change. You’d realize not everything last forever, things are bound to change.

11. Investing in your skill(s) is a strategy for success: There’s a quote “Hardwork beats talent” and that’s pretty much the truth no matter how much you argue with your ancestors. It’s not enough to just be able to sing, you have to work constantly to improve your singing skills especially in the  ever changing global environment. Improve on your skills constantly and you’re gradually on a road-walk to success.

12. Walk away; As much as it’s a difficult thing to do especially for me, I’ve learnt to always walk away from certain situations and matters that aren’t necessary to pay attention to.

13. Silence isn't always golden; In some certain situations, silence can kill, you have to open up. Yes silence is golden, but it isn’t always golden.

14. Failure is inevitable; Failure is an inevitable and necessary part of the learning process, but it’s a part that we fear.

15. The world doesn't care: I’m a constant and steady "Snapchat" user, uploading my everyday life. I do this for fun, but one thing is for sure, no one cares what food I’m eating in the morning, no one cares where I’m traveling to, no one cares about my problems and all those good stuff with an exception of maybe a few cherishable people.

16. Rely on men and be disappointed: I’m not being gender-specific, I mean men(men and women). If you rely on men, you’re bound to get disappointed. Never expect anything from people or your expectations will crash.

17. There’s more to life than possessions: Possessions  will  fade away, but memories last for a long time, your happiness matters in the long run, your certificates serves in a lifetime. Live life, don’t let life pass through you when you’re to be passing through life.

18. Go for what you want: Good things come to those who wait, because the best things are taken by those who GO FOR IT. You want something? Ain’t no better time than now to go for what you want.

19.  Creativity is vital: Creativity is the very essence of creation, the world was creatively created 😉. Creativity beats protocols and norm.

20 Friends are important: I always emphasize on friendship because friends play important role in our lives, they can either make you or break you, either lead to your success or lead to your downfall. But when you get the right one’s, cherish and value them, it costs nothing to check up on people you care about and let them know they’re important to you.


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